Results 2013


1st place - VS - Invest, a.s.

1st place - VS - Invest, a.s.

This construction company was introduced to eAuctions in March 2013 when it successfully took part as a supplier in an eAuction held by another promoter. Since then it has seen significant financial savings in the purchase of materials and services which has increased the company's competitiveness. Thanks to the success of eAuctions at VS – Invest, a.s., the parent company has begun using the system as well.
2nd place - Port Lotniczy Łódź im. Władysława Reymonta Sp. z o.o.

2nd place - Port Lotniczy Łódź im. Władysława Reymonta Sp. z o.o.

This company has been using eAuctions since 2013 and their introduction of this system helped them to fulfil another step in the scheduled optimization of costs that has been gradually implemented over the last two years. Thanks to the implementation of eAuctions, the costs of services and supplies decreased considerably, while the quality and quantity of services offered to passengers increased.
3rd place - NAFTA a.s.

3rd place - NAFTA a.s.

This company has been using the eAuction system since April 2013 since when almost every large tender has been carried out by eAuction. The overall average savings in 2013 are almost 100% greater than the savings achieved in the previous two years. eAuctions account for over over 50% of the total procurement spend.


1st place - Tepláreň Košice, a.s.

1st place - Tepláreň Košice, a.s.

This company has been using eAuctions since 2011 when the system was globally implemented into their purchasing processes. eAuctions are used for purchases above €1,000 up to and including the purchase of strategic raw materials such as coal and gas. In ten months of 2013 195 eAuctions were held in which 600 suppliers took part. The company saved €665,000 on the purchase of coal and another €230,000 in other eAuctions.
2nd place - Prague 2 Municipal District Office

2nd place - Prague 2 Municipal District Office

The District Office started using eAuctions in 2012 and from 2013 a second auction hall was implemented for the social services centre and a third for the company responsible for the maintenance of the city's real estate. About 30 administrators work with the system and in 2013 91 eAuctions were held with a total value of 58 million crowns (€2,110,000) and thanks to eAuctions 12 million crowns (€437,000) were saved.
3rd place - Municipality of Trenčín

3rd place - Municipality of Trenčín

The town has been using the eAuction system since 2013 and 13 of the town's public organisations have access to it. The originality of this system lies in its overall coverage of tenders linked to the city budget. So far there have been 63 eAuctions and €425,000 has been saved.


1st place - Alena Ševčíková and Nové Město na Moravě Hospital

1st place - Alena Ševčíková and Nové Město na Moravě Hospital

The hospital has been using the eAuction system since 2004 and was one of the first users in the public sector. So far there have been 291 eAuctions to the value of 203 million crowns (€7,390,000) and 30.8 million crowns (€1,120,000) has been saved. Mrs. Ševčíková is the sole administrator.
2nd place - Vladimír Hlušička and Královské Vinohrady Faculty Hospital

2nd place - Vladimír Hlušička and Královské Vinohrady Faculty Hospital

The faculty hospital introduced eAuctions in 2008 and started using cyclic tenders in 2009 for the purchase of food, especially fruit and vegetables. Thanks to these cyclic tenders, suppliers of fruit and vegetables for the hospital are chosen each week. This activity is fully automatic and works without an administrator. The originality of the solution rests in the simplicity of using the system. Furthermore, Mr. Hlušička teaches this method to other hospitals and municipalities which are interested.
3rd place - Alena Klementová a Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a.s. (rail freight)

3rd place - Alena Klementová a Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a.s. (rail freight)

eAuctions have been used fully since 2010 for dealing with suppliers when it is allowed by the public procurement laws and dictated by common sense. The introduction of electronic purchasing has also meant being able to search for new options of purchasing in the most effective way and has thus transformed a rigid state enterprise into a dynamic company while preserving all the principals of public procurement. The auction system is used in all their offices throughout Slovakia and is operated by over 30 administrators. Over the last 12 months there have been 350 purchasing eAuctions, 380 inquiries and around 50 sales eAuctions, all with a turnover of more than €18,000,000.

Special FSA Awards

Tomáš Šturala, Znojmo Real Estate Maintenance

Tomáš Šturala, Znojmo Real Estate Maintenance

Every Tuesday since May 2012 he has been providing Houston PROebiz with 5 to 7 eAuctions to check before they are announced. He is relentless and this year he has carried out 136 eAuctions for the town and shows to others that it is possible and that it works.


Since 2010 she has been relentlessly convincing her own company as well as its parent company in Belgium that eAuctions work while saving money and time and that it was a good decision to start using them.

The City of Ostrava Mayor's Award

Ondrej Jombík and Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. (West Slovakian Energy)

Ondrej Jombík and Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. (West Slovakian Energy)

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